Mary Poppins

New release! New release! New release!

Wild Rodeo

Yeah, it's release day. On 04/04/24, the first single from my new album "Of Kids and Sand" will be released.

Available everywhere where well-assorted digital music is offered. Upon request, I'd also happily record it for you on tape.

Check out the music video as well!

New shows

Corona is finally over. Yes! Time for one, maybe two, new shows. Here you go:


07.07.2023 private

08.07.2023 Calw@TSV

14.07.2023 Tübingen@Stadtfest

29.07.2023 Calw@Strassenkulturfest


Apart from that, I'm working on a new album. Almost completed, yeah...No, sorry, that is not true. One out of 8 songs are finished. I'm working on it!


Wow. I really don't know when I played the first chord, wrote the first line or hummed the melody of it for the first time.... I guess it must have been around 2013/2014. Maybe earlier, maybe later. I guess only God knows for sure...Since then I've played it countless times, changed it even more, and recorded it sometime in late 2018 with the great help of Steffen and Ray at Black Shack Recordings Studios in Calw, Germany. Now, after another three years, the time has come: on December 03, 2021, 7us Records will release my new single "Tired" . Available in all well sorted streaming services.




Wrote this song for my daughter. Just a little dandelion.....

Living Anthem

Upcoming events

Some exciting events....I´'ve been busy for too long


12.05.2018 private

08.06.2018 Altensteig@Eventmeile1

16.06.2018 Tübingen@MRW

From London to Paris

Video shoot

Yea, I finally managed to finish the video shoot for my new song called "From London to Paris". It was amaaazing. Thanks goes to Hotroad Promotions and 7us who made that possible.


I´m very happy to announce that  I will do some new recordings. It will be terrific, for sure!

Aloft Munich

Getting married

Upcoming shows

I´m very happy to announce several shows for this year. I will play on the Schlossgrabenfest in Darmstadt as well as on the RACT festival in Tübingen. You should come. I´m sure you´ll like it.


Did it. My new CD "A LITTLE PIECE OF ME" will be availabe from 12th of Februrary. It will be absolutely adorable. For sure...

New song

Chili-Barbecue Festival

Seenachtsfest 2015

I´m very proud to announce that I´ll play on the Konstanzer Seenachtsfest in August.

Schlossgrabenfest 2015

Unfortunately, the show at the Schlossgrabenfest 2015 had be cancelled. Other shows will be pronounced soon...

Peter Melow(not)@Kunis Hotrod-Café

I´m sorry to tell you that show on the 17th of April in Calw has to be cancelled due to several constraints of the regulatory agency. I hope to get another date fixed, stay in touch....

--------Upcoming shows-Upcoming shows-Upcoming shows-------

EP release

Get your piece of "A little piece of me". Available at all well-assorted online stores.

                      Pictures taken during the video shoot

                   Impressions of the show in Blaubeuren

                       Impressions of the last show

Recordings (II)

Last week I recorded the most of my vocal parts. I´m glad to see the end of the recordings soon....


Unfortunately, the recordings were interrupted because some cases of illness. Nevertheless I hope to get on with the recordings at the end of the week.

                       Opens-Stage@Rosenau, Stuttgart

Stud, Offenburg

Thank you Offenburg. It has been an honour for me to play at the Stud. I also recommend to have a look on the music of stereodrama and to visit the blog "Der Schwarzwald rockt" on FB.

Singer/Songwriter Contest

Finally, the time has come. On Friday 19th of September everyone is invited to join my show at the Singer/Songwriter contes taking place in the art.gerecht café in Berlin-Friedrichshain. I´m looking forward to see you.


I´m glad to tell you that I will start doing my records on the 6th of October.

Reaching the semifinal

I am very happy for reaching the semifinal of the Singer/Songwriter contest in Berlin. Thank you for all the votes. Looking forward to see you on the 19th of September in the art.gerecht café in Berlin.

On the way to Berlin

On 30th of July, live in the art.gerecht in Berlin. Singer/Songwriter contest. Don´t miss the show...


I´ve already made it. The recordings of the new EP "A little piece of me" will start in the middle-of October. Thereby, the recordings take place in the legendary Soundmann studios in Stuttgart. Stay tuned.